[WikiEN-l] Re: The clitoris guy

Alex R. alex756 at nyc.rr.com
Fri May 16 13:40:32 UTC 2003

Anthere said:

> > When it comes to censorship and Wikipedia, there are
> > a few things to remember:
> I feel very depressed. Very. No, I really mean *very*.
> To a certain point, a nudity picture censored, I care little.
> Far worse is censorship on points I can't even begin
> to understand. Some time ago, the french wikipedia was
> censoring articles under the reason the term didnot
> existed (for exemple, racialisme), then it censored
> article under the reason the content added could be
> liable by the french law, and today, it is censoring
> an article because it is reporting french law
> condemned someone for doing illegal actions and
> explain the reason why it was considered illegal by
> french law.
> For those understanding french, the censored part is
> there
> Honest, I do not get it.
> You would not believe it, there was even a comparison
> with the article on [[Adolph Hitler]]. What is that
> law's name already ? I fail to see the comparison
> between Adolph Hitler and José Bové :-(((
> Hmmmm...the english wiki is willing to report law
> condemnation and to censor erotic picture. The french
> wiki is censoring law condemnation explanation, but
> keeping erotic picture.
> Look...maybe...merging articles, we could happen to do
> something proper ?

How can reporting the law and the opinions of the people be considered
something that should be subject to censorship?  I know there is the
European HR tradition of limiting free speech for specific reasons, but such
censorship of legal opinions and legal arguments goes to the core of one's
conception of a free and democratic society. I completely agree this is
shocking Anthere! Maybe there should be articles about these taboo French
subjects on English pages.  My French is good enough to translate into
English, I am sure there are others who could help translate (even maybe
getting it started with machine translation, that would be allowed under the
open content license no? Perhaps you could put the banned French versions on
English talk pages make a list called [[List of banned French pages
translating into English]] and then we can built up the pages as people have
time to translate them into English. Wouldn't it be o.k. to keep the French
texts on the talk pages? As far as the _very_ strict puritanic tradition in
the US, perhaps there should be a wiki server in Canada or some other
country that is more liberal minded in some respects about allowing people
to discuss and publish/broadcast "taboo" subjects.


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