[WikiEN-l] JohnQ / MaryMary - the clitoris guy

Axel Boldt axelboldt at yahoo.com
Thu May 15 01:40:05 UTC 2003

Regarding the issue of photographs of genitals, we can distinguish
three classes of people:
  * those who wish to view them
  * those who don't wish to view them
  * those who don't wish others to view them
The first two classes are perfectly accomodated by having the
photographs hidden behind links that unambiguously describe their
content; the third class does not deserve any accomodation.

Drawings are important in anatomy, because they allow to show hidden
and internal structures and allow to emphasize distinctions by using
separate colors. At the same time, they can be very misleading when not
accompanied by a real-world photo.

Personally, I was raised on biology-textbook drawings of the female
anatomy. They were terribly confusing: it was impossible to tell what
was inside and outside, what was visible and invisible, how big things
were. They made the first porn I got my hands on that much more


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