[WikiEN-l] Introducing WikiMoney

Axel Boldt axelboldt at yahoo.com
Mon May 12 16:53:47 UTC 2003

--- The Cunctator <cunctator at kband.com> wrote:

[about WikiMoney]

> On the talk page I said this is a hilariously bad idea. 

At least you got a laugh out of it.

> Better is to adjudge what goals creating such a page was intended to
> accomplish

If I see something wrong with Wikipedia, and I lack the time, patience
or knowledge to fix it, I want to be able to tell others about it,
quantify how important I feel the task to be, and maximize the
likelihood that the job gets done.

> and then try to figure out a better-planned structure for
> meeting such goals.

Be my guest.


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