[WikiEN-l] Re: film vs. movie

koyaanis qatsi obchodnakorze at yahoo.com
Sun May 4 16:09:58 UTC 2003

> Put bluntly, Stan, this is wikipedia, not
> americopedia. If you want respect
> from non-Americans, show their language and
> spellings some respect. And get a sense of humour.

I'm a movie/film buff myself, and, yes, an American,
though that's an unfashionable thing to be these days
outside of the U.S..  I don't like (movie) as a
disambiguator but I'm using it also, because that's
what we decided on.  I don't remember ''why'' we
decided what we decided, but that is what we decided,
so I'm going with it.  Otherwise we end up with two
articles about one movie, and who needs that?

If you want to change the convention, instead of
making emotional accusations, you could put forth a
calmly reasoned argument for why it should be changed,
and we could start the discussion in earnest from


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