[WikiEN-l] Re: legal liability issues

Daniel Ehrenberg littledanehren at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 26 23:12:39 UTC 2003

According to the constitution of the united states,
libel   should be solved out of the courts simply by
notifying everyone of the incorrect information. 
Then, supposedly, the case is settled (although there
is no legal mechanism for this).  If legaly
significant libelous content is found, we could notify
all of the users (by email) who viewed it and change
the content.  If we recieved a notice that we were to
be sued, a notice could be put on the front page
notifying everyone of the falsness of the content in
addition to what I said above. We should probably also
put some sort of legal disclaimer on the front page. 
Could you get the lawyer to write one for you?

--- Sheldon Rampton <sheldon.rampton at verizon.net>
> Hi, all. I've been corresponding with an attorney
> about some issues 
> pertaining to the Disinfopedia. He has some concern
> about whether we 
> might be legally liable for its content.
> Specifically, could we be 
> sued for libel or slander if someone posts false
> information there


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