[WikiEN-l] Anonymous quote in article

Erik Moeller erik_moeller at gmx.de
Fri Jan 24 13:06:50 UTC 2003

> I'm not going to enforce this, obviously, but my preference is that
> we don't bring conflicts to the mailing list as quickly as this one
> was brought.  

1) Arno has, in spite of the newly noted consensus on the Talk page,
re-added the quote. This proves that I was justified in my concerns, and that it was
good to get quick opinions on the matter, for which the mailing list is

2) There is a policy question pertinent to this case, namely, whether
anonymous, unverifiable quotes are OK in articles if they are attached for
"sentimental" reasons. I think we have now concluded that they are not, which is
good. It would help if the criterion of verifiability was adopted as a Litmus
test for the inclusion of particular statements in Wikipedia.

3) Wikipedia's primary purpose is to be a "complete and accurate"
encyclopedia. Regarding accuracy, it seems of utmost importance to me that any
unverifiable or ideosyncratic information is treated with some amount of urgency,
lest its presence be forgotten in the course of the page's history, especially
when dealing with articles like this one which are not likely to be edited

4) Lastly, I fail to see how this case is any less proper than, say, the
recent discussion of DW's rudeness. In fact, because of 1), 2) and 3), it seems
to me that it is more proper and relevant to the purpose of this list.  Thus,
unless there are objections to the reasoning above, I will continue to use
wikien-l in cases where it applies.



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