[WikiEN-l] Things that bother me

Poor, Edmund W Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com
Tue Jan 21 14:45:46 UTC 2003

I don't think we should use voting. Individuals should take 
responsibility and simply carry out the proper action. If the 
wishes or ideas of others should be taken into account, the 
responsible person should find an ad hoc way of considering 

But no formal system of voting is immune to subversion by 
determined anti-social forces, so I think we should stick with 
"benevolent dictatorship" with Jimbo as wiki-Messiah and all of us 
"heavenly citizens" as his loyal subjects. 

If Mav, Eric, KQ, et al., make a decision, I trust it! 

"Uncle Ed" Poor

P.S. I didn't list all the names, but the people whom I trust 
know who they are ^_^)

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