[WikiEN-l] RE: [Wikipedia-l] Moderation

Poor, Edmund W Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com
Wed Dec 11 22:30:41 UTC 2002

> The moderator doesn't have to approve every posting.  Just watch the
> list, toot the lifeguard whistle from time to time when swimmers go
> too far from shore or bother others, correspond privately with problem
> posters, have the power to check mail from a problem poster and use it
> wisely, including permanently sending their mail to the bit bucket if
> necessary.
> Tom P. 
> O88

That's exactly what the mailing list software is set up to do. 

I just took a look at the administrative website, and I'm prepared at the drop of a hat to implement a Moderation Policy. All I need is a list of who's on the Moderator Team.

I suggest we bat it around for a few more days, though. No sense in making a quick decision.

Ed Poor

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