[Toolserver-l] cgi/perl, htaccess and errorlog

seth email_metawiki_138 at wg-karlsruhe.de
Fri Dec 12 03:17:35 UTC 2008


1. How do I run perl scripts on the toolserver? do I have to use the 
cgi-bin or may I use public_html? If a script does not work on the 
toolserver but works at my webserver at another server, how am I able to 
find the bug? Presently 
http://toolserver.org/~seth/cgi-bin/grep_regexp_from_url.cgi gives an 
internal server error 500.

2. Is it possible to use .htaccess-files? I tried to redirect my 
errorlogs but failed.

3. How can I look at the apache errorlogs?

4. Shall I put your answers to https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Web_hosting?


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