[Toolserver-l] Typo in new status files

Larry Pieniazek lar at miltontrainworks.com
Wed Sep 5 15:32:36 UTC 2007

Hi all...

> Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2007 22:49:27 +0200
> From: "DaB." 
> Subject: [Toolserver-l] SQL-S2 down and new status-files
> To: "Toolserver-ML" 
> Message-ID: <200709032249.31619.WP at daniel.baur4.info>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hello all,
> perhaps anybody (someone?) didn't notice it: The msql-db on zedler
(=S2 and 
> userdatabases) crashed. The restore is in progress, please wait a
> We get many questions from tool-user "The tool xyz does not work" or
"Why is 
> the toolserver defect/crashed/explode?".
> To inform our tool-user better in future, I created some files:
> http://tools.wikimedia.de/status_s1 (same for s2 and s3).
> I think that ERRO and DOWN should be compulsive for tools, INFO and
WARN is 
> optionally.
> I plan to update the rules for this at October 1, so please use the
time to 
> update your tools. Suggestion are of corse very welcome :).
> Sincerly,
> DaB.

A small typo in these files... several times it says "planed" such as

"#A Information (like a planed maintaince in far future)."

The correct english word here is "planned"... there is also some a/an
confusion and some other minor typos....

In fact here is the entire http://tools.wikimedia.de/status_s1 file, 
but with my suggested corrections incorporated into it...
# This file shows the status of S1
# The format is 
# Lines with # at the beginning are comments.
# The following STATUSes are possible:
# OK: 
#	All Ok, nothing to show.
# INFO: 
#	An Informational message (like a planned maintenance activity in
thefar future).
#	Please show the line in your tools as information to give users
#	A Warning (like a planned maintenance activity in the near future).
#	Please show the line in your tools as information to give users
#	An Error (like a unplanned maintenance activity or some other issue)
#	Please show the text instead of your tools
#	(or be very sure that your tools do work).
#	Like ERRO, but planned.

Hope that is of some help. I think being able to show canned status
from the system is a nifty idea, thanks for making it happen.

Larry Pieniazek
Hobby: lar at miltontrainworks.com
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