[Textbook-l] Re: Textbooks

Daniel Ehrenberg littledanehren at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 27 21:56:45 UTC 2003

--- Tomasz Wegrzanowski <taw at users.sourceforge.net>
> Seriously, I haven't heard of anyone other than
> radical US protestant sects
> supporting creationism. Certainly Catholic Church
> doesn't, so I don't see why
> would there be any creationism in Latin America.
> (Some googling revealed that there is some
> US-imported creationism in Middle East)

Creationism and refutal of modern science in the US
are no longer 'radical'. Now, they have become
mainstream. And it isn't just christians. Although
there aren't many, literal jewish bible readers (only
the ultra-orthodox do that) believe in creationism,
and some (mathematical definition) moslems believe in
creationism from interperatation of the /koran/, not
the bible (as shown at
http://members.aol.com/masadi/evol.htm). Besides, even
if creationism were an extremely unpopular belief
outside the US, it still has significant influence in
the United States and historical importance, and that
shouldn't be ignored.


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