[teampractices] Continuous Deployment (with examples)

Chris McMahon cmcmahon at wikimedia.org
Wed Jan 29 16:58:55 UTC 2014

At the architecture summit we had a 3-hour meeting where we discussed the
current deployment process.  In the course of that meeting a number of
people mentioned a practice called "Continuous Deployment", and a number of
people mentioned Etsy in conjunction with that practice.

I would like to promote a shared understanding of what we mean by
"Continous Deployment", and of how to do it safely.  Luckily, Etsy
documented much of the work that they did.  For a good start, there is
detailed information about Etsy's Continous Deployment in these blog posts,
circa 2011:

* http://codeascraft.com/2011/04/20/divide-and-concur/
* http://codeascraft.com/2011/10/11/did-you-try-it-before-you-committed/

That second blog post mentions Mozilla's 'Try' server:
** http://rhelmer.org/blog/buildbot-try-support
** https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReleaseEngineering/TryServer

Finally, I highly recommend this 30-minute talk Noah Sussman delivered at
Seleniumconf in June 2013:

* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCFoeg_8HGY

It is worth watching even for Continuous Deployment experts.

Noah Sussman was an early member of the team at Etsy that build their
Continous Deployment practice.  I talked with him extensively at the Google
Test Automation Conference in 2013.  Since that time he has become probably
the most articulate voice for Continuous Deployment and a modern role for
QA within Continous Deployment and Release Engineering.
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