[teampractices] Triaging bugs and managing task backlog in Phabricator

S Page spage at wikimedia.org
Tue Dec 2 21:32:46 UTC 2014

(Are all WMF teams on this mailing list?)

"Core features" (aka the Flow team) is responsible for several extensions
(Flow, Echo, Thanks, ...). We have a team board
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/board/65/> we're going to use to
manage the current sprint.
And we have a lot of bugs to triage.

I'm thinking rather than having a separate team backlog board, a triager
will nominate a bug for consideration by adding our team board to the
task's *Projects* field.

The default column in every workboard is "Backlog". With this approach I
think it makes sense to rename that column in the team's project board to
something like "Needs team triage" or "Consider for next sprint".

Also, our team board appears to be editable by anyone. How can we lock it
down so that only members of the project can add columns and move tasks
around on it?

Should/can we lock a project tag down so only members of the project can
add this project to tasks?  I don't think so, that makes inter-team
dependencies (Scrum-of-scrums) harder.

Comments?  Do other teams have team boards in Phabricator?

This approach is in
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Flow/Team/Processes#Bug_triage , I will move
it to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Phabricator/Project_management if
there's consensus (or no response :) ).

Thanks. Interesting times!
=S Page  Features engineer
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