[teampractices] Experimenting with Pivotal Tracker

Arthur Richards arichards at wikimedia.org
Thu Nov 14 21:13:09 UTC 2013

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 1:48 PM, Steven Walling <swalling at wikimedia.org>wrote:

> This brings up a big issue with both FOSS and proprietary tools: how do we
> get our data out and migrate it if necessary?
> Trello exports a board in JSON, and Pivotal will import/export CSV. Does
> Mingle have data export functions?

Yes. Mingle only exports a full project in a proprietary serialized format,
but you can also selectively export cards into a CSV.  I haven't tried it,
but theoretically you should be able to create a query that returns ALL
cards that you have and export them into a CSV. Mingle can import from the
serialized format or from arbitrary CSV.

Arthur Richards
Software Engineer, Mobile
IRC: awjr
+1-415-839-6885 x6687
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