<div dir="ltr">When running the automation test from the vagrant installed VM, I am getting the error message below. I do not get that error message when I run it from my Windows shell. I'm not sure where the problem lies.<br>
<div><br><br><srv/browsertests$ bundle exec cucumber features/wikilove.feature<br>Using the default profile...<br>FF--F-------------------<br><br>(::) failed steps (::)<br><br>Unable to pick a platform for the provided browser (RuntimeError)<br>
./features/step_definitions/upload_wizard_steps.rb:2:in `/^I am logged in$<br>features/wikilove.feature:5:in `Given I am logged in'<br><br>Failing Scenarios:<br>cucumber features/wikilove.feature:9 # Scenario: Wikilove barnstar options<br>
<br>3 scenarios (1 failed, 2 skipped)<br>20 steps (1 failed, 19 skipped)<br>1m0.558s<br clear="all"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div><br></div><div><br>All other automation tests are failing when I run them as well. <br></div>
<br><br><br>--Rachel<br></div><br></div><i>Gnome FOSS Outreach Program for Women Intern<br>Browser Test Automation, Wikimedia Foundation</i><br></div></div>