[QA] top articles across languages for testing?

Brian Gerstle bgerstle at wikimedia.org
Tue May 19 19:14:14 UTC 2015

The subject hints at a question that's been nagging me for a while, and now
that I'm going to be hacking on testing in Lyon I wanted to ask:

Do we have a list of articles we usually run tests against?

If not, do we have any processes for curating such a list?  Would anyone be
interested in a brainstorming session at Lyon to discuss this further?

Basically, as a developer, I would love to have more confidence that some
code I wrote doesn't break on our most popular articles.  Or, if we can get
more sophisticated, that *certain properties of my code hold true for
certain kinds of generated pages*.*

Please respond with your thoughts and whether you think I should create a
phab task for the hackathon about this.  In either case, ping me anytime or
grab me at Lyon to discuss further!



* Yes, I'm talking about using property-based testing generators to create
random, shrinkable MW pages that we can run tests on. Not sure if it's
practical, but could be an interesting experiment.

EN Wikipedia user page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Brian.gerstle
IRC: bgerstle
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