Did a quick mockup of a floating/togglable table of contents for the mobile view:<br><br><a href="http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/trunk/mockups/mobile-sections/index.html">http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/trunk/mockups/mobile-sections/index.html</a><br>
<br>* sets up section 0 as a togglable section as well<br>* on narrow screens, ToC shows fullscreen, triggered by a floating fixed button in the corner, so it's always available<br>* on wider screens (such as tablets), ToC shows as a fixed sidebar<br>
<br>This is a fairly primitive quicky mockup and requires position:fixed to work ('for reals' would need some smarts for some platforms to scroll things around) and makes no attempt for things to be formatted nicely. ;) Clicking a section in the toc bar also does a toggle rather than unconditional _show_, so sometimes hides things instead. ;)<br>
<br>Seems to work in iOS 5 (iPod Touch and iPad) and Android 2.3 (Nexus 1 stock browser), as well as on desktop Firefox.<br><br><br>Any thoughts? I kinda like the notion of having navigation controls always accessible; perhaps tweak things with a nicer section list and displaying only one section at a time by default.<br>
<br>(A lot of portal-style pages also interact poorly with our mobile section collapse/expand right now, so that might need some adjustment as well...)<br><br>-- brion<br>