[Mediawiki-l] CKeditor integration

Antonio Orlando ant.o at libero.it
Wed Mar 24 14:36:01 UTC 2010

I've succeeded but I've done it into Semantic Forms textarea fields,  
hacking Semantic Forms code, because that was my need.
I suspect this is not what you want, by the way atm I don't have the time  
to reorganize the stuff and thoughts in a form it could be shared easily,  
by now it's just a hack. When I'll have time, I'll try to write a sort of  
tutorial to do the same hack, or better I'll try to let Yaron Koren  
include it in a future Semantic Forms release.


> Hi..I have seen some people saying that they were able to integrate the  
> new
> CKeditor in their mediawiki install. Does anyone want to share? Have  
> tried
> and failed.
> Thanks.

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