[Mediawiki-l] Moving entire wiki 1.10.0 -> 1.15.4

Russell Jones russell.jones at physics.ox.ac.uk
Thu Jul 22 16:40:59 UTC 2010

Use the XML export/import scripts in maintenance/. You'll need to create an AdminSettings.php config file on both hosts to allow this to happen. Have a look on the mediawiki wiki for the details. You can do single page or full history exports as you prefer.


----- Original Message -----
From: mediawiki-l-bounces at lists.wikimedia.org <mediawiki-l-bounces at lists.wikimedia.org>
To: mediawiki-l at lists.wikimedia.org <mediawiki-l at lists.wikimedia.org>
Sent: Thu Jul 22 17:38:15 2010
Subject: [Mediawiki-l] Moving entire wiki 1.10.0 -> 1.15.4

I apologize for coming to this list for help out of the blue, but I've
run out of other resources to check.


I'm trying to move the contents of an existing MW installation,
v.1.10.0, to a new version of MW on a different server. I don't get a
choice about what version is put on the new server (ISP canned install),
so it's 1.15.4. It's already installed there, tables/wiki user created
in MySQL, etc. The wiki DB user has a different name on the two systems,
and on the new system the tables have a mw_ prefix. Again, I didn't get
a choice in this matter.


Now, my SQL is very good - it's what I do all day - and I'm perfectly
willing to try to export the contents of the old wiki as SQL/DDL,
search/replace/alter those as needed, and import them into the new
database. But I gather this is a bad, messy idea. Even if the columns in
the 34 tables from 1.10 haven't changed, there's the question of the
seven tables which have been added to the schema since then. Nor can I
find any good version-by-version docs on how the schema has changed over


There's also the possibility of exporting and importing by some means
other than altering the database directly - e.g. Special:Export - but
that seems to not be a viable "export entire wiki in bulk" option.


I don't absolutely need to export revision history and I don't care if
details of page ownership etc are lost. If I can just grab latest
version of each page, even if they are all marked as owned by WikiSysop,
that's fine. I can remake template inclusions and other niceties by hand
- there aren't many. It's just the 500+ pages of actual body content
that are the problem.


Can anybody give advice on this?


Todd Belton

Harvard Graduate School of Design

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