[Mediawiki-l] Installing on NetWare

Steve VanSlyck s.vanslyck at spamcop.net
Fri Jul 16 21:27:39 UTC 2010

Hello List,

Does anyone have mediawiki installed and working well on a Novell 6.5 
NetWare server running alongside GroupWise WebAccess and . . . if you do 
 . . would you be willing to send me your vitual hosts configuration 
file, specifically the <VirtualHost> section that enables MediaWiki?

I've tried following all of Novell's instructions to the letter but no 
matter what I do, setting up a VirtualHost beaks WebAcess as offsite 
users who access WebAccess no longer see any images from the server. 
There must be something I'm doing wrong with httpd.conf and until I can 
figure out what that might be I'm not willing to go further and attempt 
installtion of MediaWiki.

Apache/2.0.63 (NETWARE) mod_jk/1.2.23
Novell Open Enterprise Server, NetWare 6.5.08

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