Sans objet

Fri Dec 10 13:58:20 UTC 2010

[1] you did not make that link properly
[2] you're making some kind of a mix between point 7.1 and 7.2 of "Scenario 2: Quick set-up" (you have separate directories (7.2), but at the same time you use sub-domains (7.1) )

Note that [2] is not a problem, I think it can work, but it's just to be sure of what is it that you're trying to do (AFAIK mixing 7.1 and 7.2 is almost equivalent to 7.1).

As for [1], create a file index.php in your "health" folder with just "<?php echo "hello world"; ?>" and go to if you see the "hello world" message, it probably means [1].


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