[Mediawiki-l] IP address of unlocked in visitor to wiki Main Page

Ralph Hulslander rph at rovenet.com
Thu Apr 3 19:50:53 UTC 2008

On one of my wikis the IP address of a unlogged in viewer is displayed at
the top of the page.

On a new wiki only appears.


Where should this IP address come from and how do I get it?


The reason I need the IP address "I believe" is that reCaptcha is having a
problem identifying the domain.

I believe it is seeing instead of the wiki's IP.


The Domain associated with the IP address has reCaptcha keys and has worked
before I started messing

around in LocalSettings.php trying to get email to work (it's working now

I probable stepped on something in Localsettings.php


Thanks for the help.



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