[Mediawiki-l] Wikitext

Dave Sigafoos davesigafoos at sanmar.com
Thu Sep 27 18:52:43 UTC 2007

Please don't take this as a direct hit but .. 

I have seen similar in many postings and have to say that it is just not
true.  There is no reason that a WYSIWYG editor would not give the same
control.  The fact that there is not a good answer now is one thing ..
but thinking that all users *should be* programmers is .. well not right
(to my way of thinking).

wikiText does give you a little *simpler* method over straight html but
a good editor would be much preferable even to a coder like me.  It is
great to SEE what it is you are doing.  Some coders use syntax checking,
code complete etc.  Just more tools.  


David Tod Sigafoos | SANMAR Corporation
davesigafoos at sanmar.com 


-----Original Message-----
From: mediawiki-l-bounces at lists.wikimedia.org
[mailto:mediawiki-l-bounces at lists.wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of
Christensen, Courtney
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 11:45
To: MediaWiki announcements and site admin list
Subject: Re: [Mediawiki-l] Wikitext

Hi Emanuele,

When I am teaching people HTML or wikitext, I like to let people know up
front that it will require a little more brain-power than they are used
to with Word and similar, but that they will have a ton more control
over the final outcome if they stick to the slightly more technical

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