[Mediawiki-l] Literal SQL in a wiki

Mark Proudman mfproudman at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 18:11:17 UTC 2007

I am using a wiki to document technical architecture, with the result that
we often enter SQL statements in articles (to do this or that, use "select x
from y", and so forth).  We often find that SQL strings like this cause "you
are not authorized to view this page" errors when saving or previewing.  On
occasion, quite a lot of work can be lost.

This is a problem that someone must have come across, and I fear that the
solution is embarrassingly easy.  I have tried <nowiki>around "select x from
y"</nowiki> without success.

Any suggestions, other than only writing something like "s_elect x
from y" in our wiki?

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