[Mediawiki-l] location of images

aretai aretai aretaiuc at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 14:37:57 UTC 2007

I'd prefer to keep it as it is..., but well this makes a coding (i.e.
linking to this images from external application) a little bit tricker.
Coding will be probably performed by non-MW programmer so want to make his
task a little bit easier.

But yes performance issues are v.imp so probably it will be necessary to
keep the directory structure.


On 3/7/07, Fernando Correia <fernandoacorreia at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2007/3/7, Platonides <Platonides at gmail.com>:
> > The wiki can handle it without problems, splitting on folders is done
> > because some filesystems have problems (are slower) when a folder has
> > lots of files.
> Aretai, mind this warning. It can be *extremely slow* if you have a
> large number of files (several thousands, or close to a million).
> I suggest you estimate how many images your wiki may accumulate for
> some time, say a few years, and try to create that many files on your
> filesystem using an automated script. Then test access time to these
> files.
> Anyway, are you sure you need them in just one directory?
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