[Mediawiki-api] Difference between Query-Result and the Wiki-Page

Christian Koncilia christian.koncilia at gmx.net
Thu Oct 14 10:18:31 UTC 2010



sorry for bothering you again with the Mediawiki API. I have the following
problem / question: I'm looking for a query that returns all internal links
on a specific Wiki-Page. The query. 




.returns a set of results that exactly look like I want it, i.e. it returns
a pageid and title of each "subpage". 


However, there are numerous subpages in this list that are not listed on the
corresponding wiki page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Jackson). E.g.,
the query result consists of a subpage "Ace in the Hole" but the wiki page
Thanks for your help and patience.
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