[Mediawiki-api] Help with queries

Nadav Rozenfeld Nadav at unisurf.co.il
Thu May 7 08:20:01 UTC 2009

I am a new user to the Wikipedia API, and I have a few questions:
1)      How do I return the results for a specific query?
2)      Once I did that, how do I get to the content of the value's
Wikipedia page? (for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington)
I have tried to look for this info in the
http://he.wikisource.org/w/api.php page, but it was so big that I kept
getting lost there and never found what I was looking for.
I'd greatly appreciate your help..
Nadav Rosenfeld | R&D Team|  Unisurf - Mobile Internet Company|
|T 972 (0)73-2287814| M  972 (0)52  3965064| nadav at unisurf.co.il
<mailto:nadav at unisurf.co.il> |www.unisurf.co.il
<http://www.unisurf.co.il/> |
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