[Maps-l] Render Request

Thomas Ineichen toolserver.mailinglist at t-i.ch
Wed Jun 23 05:22:08 UTC 2010


I  put  a little work in my access map and created some new styles for
quality  assurance.  I  tried to keep it as simple as possible, so the
drawing scheme is down to six colours and two line types:

Each  of the different (most important) means of transport has its own
layer  in  which  *only*  explicit  acces-Keys  (e.g.  bicycle=*)  are

The second map uses inheritance according to the following tree:


AFAIK  it's  the  first  map  to draw, what routing algorithms already
should  rely  on.  I belive that this map will increase the quality of
routing information in OSM and therefore enhance OSM a lot.

Unfortunately,  the result is 17 different styles, but they should not
change much in the future. (Hopefully, they don't change at all!) :)

The Styles for the first map are:

The styles for the second map are:

I  have  deleted  the  old access.xml and bicycle.xml because they are
integrated  into this new structure. I don't know yet if there will be
other *_combined-styles; for the moment bicycle_combined is unchanged.

As   soon  as  the  styles  are  rendered,  I  will  post  it  on  the
international list.

Thanks again,

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