[Maps-l] [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

andrzej zaborowski balrogg at gmail.com
Sun Aug 16 22:00:18 UTC 2009

2009/8/16 Arlindo Pereira <nighto at nighto.net>:
> I need some advice: I'm currently translating the names to Portuguese,
> and for some countries the portuguese name differ from the brazilian
> portuguese (which I speak) to the european portuguese. So, should I
> tag, "official_/name:pt=one of the forms" or
> "official_/name:pt=brazilian portuguese name; european portuguese
> name"? Or maybe official_/name:pt_PT and official_/name:pt_BR?

I think I remember someone using @ instead of _ in those OSM language
codes for these kind of differences, I don't remember if that is
"approved" or anything (possibly it was part of this same thread).
But by all means add both forms (either both in name:pt or separate
tags) so that they become searchable.


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