[Maps-l] Next steps

Peter Körner osm-lists at mazdermind.de
Fri Aug 14 12:25:15 UTC 2009


I'm the author of 
http://cassini.toolserver.org/~mazder/multilingual-country-list/, which 
is afaik the first public tool on the new wikimedia toolserver. It's 
really great to have those ressources that enables me to work with the 
dataset of a complete planet -- this is sth. i couldn't do anywhere else.

But atm. the possibilities for new projects on cassini are not that 
good, because what we have now is an outdated a snapshot of the world. 
This is not enough for most interactive tools.

So what are the next steps?
Tim Alder said he'd like to wait for the main db-server (ptolemy) to set 
up regular updates. Aude said thst the postgres-db on cassini needs some 
changes configuration, including a better way of authentication. He also 
filed a jira-ticket about getting sudo-access on cassini. [1]

     So for now to me the main question is: when
     will we get access to the main-db server.

If this will be the case soon, we could skip all work on cassini and do 
it directly on the main-db.

When we exclude the postgres-setup, in my eyes cassini is already 
finished and the next logical step would be getting the production 
rendering online.

I'm new to this whole organizational stuff but I think i'm getting used 
to it slowly :) So if i missed something important, please be gentle.


[1] https://jira.toolserver.org/browse/TS-302

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