[Maps-l] [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

Peter Körner osm-lists at mazdermind.de
Thu Aug 13 22:21:36 UTC 2009

Peter Körner schrieb:
> Hello OSM folks
> For the integration of osm into the wikipedia there will be localized 
> maps in all languages that have their own wikipedia. The problem is, 
> that a lot of countries are not translated yet.
> To get an overview over the status and make translating those countries 
> more easy, I created a tool that can be found at
>    http://cassini.toolserver.org/~mazder/multilingual-country-list/
> I'd like to encourage everyone to spend some time making translated maps 
> better. Comments welcome!
> Peter


I added CSV & GPX export and highlights for identical translations (when 
the name:xx-Tag is identical to the name-Tag).

Also I added delete-support to the update-routine so that it should 
delete translations that are no longer in the osm-database. It should 
also delete nodes that are no longer flagged as place=country.

I didn't have the time for intensive testing, so if you encounter any 
unexpected behavior, please just report this here.

Each hour, right before the update, i create an sql-dump, so restoring 
the ok-states should be not too much trouble.


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