[Gendergap] FYI [PAPER] "Suck It Up, Princess": Outreach and Diversity in FOSS Communities

Sue Gardner sgardner at wikimedia.org
Tue Oct 11 00:06:38 UTC 2011

Hey folks,

Apologies if this has been shared here before. It's a very interesting
paper by a UC Berkeley grad student about the homogeneity of FLOSS
communities. It's super-articulate and smart, and there is lots here
that's relevant to us.

Thanks to Kat Walsh for sharing this with me :-)



"Suck It Up, Princess": Outreach and Diversity in FOSS Communities

Karen Rustad

May 13, 2011


The development and proliferation of free and open source software
(FOSS) is a well-loved example in the academic literature, used to
explain the phenomenon of decentralized, gift-economy, post-industrial
"barn-raisings" and situate them as viable modes of production
(Kollock 431-2). While FOSS has been well analyzed from technical and
economic standpoints, there is surprisingly little sociological or
anthropological work on the people who belong to the FOSS community
and contribute to FOSS projects. Who it is that builds these crucial
underpinnings of the information economy likely has significant
implications for what kinds of software get built, who can use it, and
any number of other downstream social and economic effects.

Massive volumes of ink and bits have been spilled documenting the
demographics of open source software contributors and lamenting the
hugely disproportionate lack of women and non-white people among them.
Surveys of FOSS projects have found that women make up, at best, 5
percent of FOSS contributors; a more likely figure is around 2 percent
(Ghosh). For many FOSS contributors, these figures are unfortunate but
immutable constants; within the community there is skepticism that
they can be improved much, if at all. Most FOSS communities see
themselves as meritocracies; many participants honestly believe that
all that matters with regard to whether you can join or gain status
within the community is whether or not you produce smart ideas and
good code. As the current chair of the Python Software Foundation,
Jesse Noller, writes,

I truly, fundamentally believe that OSS is is the perfect proof that
anyone and everyone can contribute to something. Why? Code and
projects are blind – or if they aren’t, they should be. They don’t
care if you’re a sentient ham sandwich, they don’t care if you don’t
have the proper schooling, how old you are, the color of your skin, or
your religious beliefs. They don’t care where you are located or what
you did before you contributed something. They just care about what
you have contributed – doc patch, code patch or feature. That thing
you have submitted should be able to stand on its own merits,
regardless of anything outside of that atomic change. (Noller)

Consistently with this perspective, most FOSS developers attribute the
lack of diversity in FOSS to women and other groups simply not being
interested in contributing (Krieger 16). This purist meritocratic
outlook is noble in some respects, but it ignores or even masks the
realities of community politics, nasty flamewars, bias incidents – all
the messy human factors that even geeky, avowedly-rationalist FOSS
developers are heir to and which have real effects on who chooses to
work on FOSS and who does not.

Clearly part of FOSS' diversity problem is inherited from the larger
technology community; only 20 to 30 percent of tech industry workers
are female, and women's share of undergraduate computer science majors
has dropped from 20 percent to as low as 12 percent (Krieger 4,
Stross).1 However, even that low proportion is almost an order of
magnitude higher than FOSS's share of women. Additionally, FOSS also
has disproportionately few South Asian contributors, despite the fact
that this group is actually overrepresented in the tech industry as a
whole (Laroia, "Diversity"). Clearly, therefore, there exist barriers
to diversity in FOSS that are not simply the same issues plaguing CS
departments and technology companies in general, but are unique to the
FOSS community.

Particular sexist incidents within the FOSS community, such as FOSS
conference presenters including pornographic images in their slide
decks2, the head of the Free Software Foundation declaring that it was
a sacred duty of community members to relieve "women who have never
used EMACS" of their "EMACS virginity"3, and cases of nonconsensual
groping and sexual assault at FOSS conference after-parties4, are
fairly well-documented (Aurora). Such incidents are often cited as the
reason for why so few women are active in FOSS. However, people
typically would only encounter such explicitly sexist attitudes and
incidents once they were already involved in FOSS; such incidents
certainly could turn off new female contributors and make them leave
the community, but it seems unlikely that they would affect their rate
of initial entrance into FOSS so dramatically as to be the only factor
at work.

Less well explored is implicit sexism in how open source projects
systemically attract and retain new contributors (or, more accurately,
usually fail to). In this paper, I argue that unintentionally
sex-biased mechanisms of "recruitment" in themselves may account for
FOSS' demographic imbalances.5 If so, this suggests that the recent
wave of new outreach efforts to improve the experience of first-time
contributors and provide clearer entry points into FOSS may have the
side effect of remedying the community's diversity problem. I focus
mainly on sex bias because that disparity has the greatest amount of
relevant coverage and commentary within the FOSS community. However,
the goal is to point out unacknowledged obstacles and filters in FOSS
recruitment that would likely account for some amount of
underrepresentation of racial, ethnic, linguistic, discipline-based,
and other minority groups as well.

Why do FOSS contributors get involved?

It may be a surprise that a majority – about 54 percent – of FOSS
contributors benefit materially from their participation in the FOSS
community (Ghosh). Eighteen percent of FOSS contributors are paid to
administrate FOSS; almost 16 percent are paid to develop it. FOSS
developers also benefit indirectly from their FOSS participation;
almost 18 percent of contributors report getting a job because of
their FOSS experience.

Much academic literature and research in motivations and organizations
is devoted to the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic
motivations. Specifically, intrinsic motivations apply to
"activit[ies] undertaken for one's immediate need satisfaction.
Intrinsic motivation 'is valued for its own sake and appears to be
self sustained'" (Osterloh & Frey 539). Extrinsic motivation, on the
other hand, applies to activities that "satisfy [participants'] needs
indirectly, especially through monetary compensation" (Osterloh & Frey
539). These two forms of motivation do not typically mix evenly;
experiments have found that introducing extrinsic motivators into a
primarily-intrinsically motivated activity reduces participants'
levels of intrinsic motivation. This effect, called the "crowding out"
effect, is sometimes so severe that the addition of extrinsic
motivators actually lowers participants' overall motivation levels
(Osterloh & Frey 541-2). One might expect that the external rewards
that many contributors now receive for working on FOSS software, then,
would reduce the amount of intrinsic motivation within the community.

Nonetheless, FOSS contributors' motivations remain primarily intrinsic
and appear to be "un-crowded-out." Ghosh et al's 2002 survey found
that the number one reason developers get involved with FOSS was to
learn and develop new skills, selected by almost 80 percent of
respondents. About one-third of respondents join FOSS to "participate
in a new form of contribution"; almost half participate to share their
knowledge and skills; thirty percent are motivated by the ideological
belief that software should not be a proprietary good (Ghosh).
Extrinsic motivational factors are significantly less widely held;
only 23 percent of respondents joined FOSS to improve their job
opportunities, and only 4 percent join to make money (though this
figure jumps to 12 percent as a reason to remain a contributor)
(Ghosh). It appears that FOSS contributors start out nearly
universally as volunteers, then eventually either find paid
FOSS-related work or notice benefits from their FOSS experience in
their job search generally. Given the continued importance of
intrinsic motivational factors among experienced FOSS developers,
extrinsic rewards for FOSS work do not appear to crowd out their
initial motivations. Research specifically into the motivations of
contributors to the Apache Software Foundation's web server project,
Jakarta project, and XML project (all free software) support this
conclusion; being paid to work on Apache did not affect contributors'
intrinsic motivations, yet did increase their level of contribution as
well as their status motivations to contribute (Roberts).

How are FOSS contributors typically recruited?

Most current FOSS contributors underwent a slow progression from
"newbie" to recognized contributor with commit access to a given FOSS
project. This traditional mode of recruitment is uncoordinated and
almost entirely passive on the part of the project, yet appears
regularly in retrospective accounts of how current developers got
involved (Bolton). First, the individual is exposed to a given
software project, prompted by their need for a given piece of software
for school, work, or personal use. The individual may also be exposed
to free software generally, perhaps through a work such as Richard
Stallman's Free Software, Free Society or the GNU Manifesto. The
individual uses the software and perhaps lurks on the software
project's mailing list. After a period of time – often years – the
individual finds a bug in the software or finds that they have a need
that the software does not quite meet. Given sufficient motivation and
technical savvy, the individual writes a patch of the software to
"scratch their itch" and sends it to the project's maintainer. If the
patch meets the project's standards and the project maintainer agrees
that it is an improvement, he or she eventually integrates the patch
into the official version of the software. After a few repetitions of
the itch-patch-submission cycle, the project maintainer is likely to
decide that the individual is trustworthy and useful enough to merit
commit access for the project. While technically speaking, the
individual has been a "contributor" to FOSS ever since they wrote
their first patch, typically it is only at this point that the
individual is formally recognized as being part of the FOSS project's

While most current FOSS contributors got involved through this
traditional decentralized, depersonalized "recruitment" process, FOSS
projects are starting to develop and use more modern, interventionist
methods of recruiting new contributors. For example, Ubuntu has
organized special "hug days" (bug-triaging days) where they explicitly
ask for help from potential contributors on their mailing list and
make sure that their IRC channel is staffed with veteran developers to
assist new people.6 In spring 2011, FOSS outreach project OpenHatch
partnered with desktop FOSS projects such as GIMP and Vidalia to
create "Build It" days – special events where a given project invites
new contributors to get involved and provided special advice and
assistance in getting the software built on their computers (so that
they would have the necessary development infrastructure set up and
working so they could change the software and write patches later).7
FOSS-related conferences typically offer "sprints" – a couple days of
the conference, usually taking place after the official talks and
sessions, for participating projects to spend coding and recruiting
new members from the conference attendees.8 Sometimes FOSS projects
will organize in-person meetups and hackathons on their own as well.
These in-person hacking sessions provide a clear, focused space for
development and community-building.

Some large FOSS projects also have explicit mentorship programs and
support groups, intended to help get new contributors involved and
make the community more welcoming. Some groups, such as Debian Women
and Ubuntu Women, are specifically targeted at helping minority
populations get a foothold in FOSS.9 10 Others, such as Fedora
Mentors, are broadly targeted to new contributors of all sorts.11 Both
sorts of mentorship programs have varying levels of success, depending
on how many willing, energetic mentors they can attract and how
effectively they make potential mentees aware of their existence.

Finally, likely the most formalized entry point into FOSS development
to date is Google's Summer of Code (or GSoC) program. GSoC gives
students stipends to spend the summer working on improvements for a
particular FOSS project. Since 2005, GSoC has brought together over
4500 successful students and over 3000 mentors (Google). While GSoC
has been highly successful in generating open source code and giving
students real-world programming experience, its record on integrating
new contributors into the FOSS community is more spotty. In 2006, at
least, only 30 percent of GSoC participants continued to contribute to
their mentoring organizations' projects after the end of the summer
(Kerner). The proportion of continuing contributors varied widely from
project to project, however, and there is some thought that practice
and advice on how to mentor well might increase this figure; to that
end, for the 2011 batch of GSoC participants FOSS veterans Donnie
Berkholz, Lydia Pintscher, and Kevin Smith posted a list of dos and
don'ts for GSoC mentors on Google's open source blog.12

The additional structure and formalism of GSoC appears to attract
contributors who would otherwise have been too intimidated to get
involved in FOSS. As current co-maintainer of FOSS project Drupal and
2005 GSoC alumna Angela Byron stated in an interview:

I held a...strong belief that everyone who actually worked on open
source software was really smart and that I, being only a lowly
community college student, couldn't possibly participate on that
level. [...] Then...one of my instructors told me about Google Summer
of Code (GSoC), a program which provides stipends to students to work
on open source projects over the summer. This poked a tiny little hole
in the "you must be THIS smart to contribute" wall I had built up in
my head, because I figured, hey, they know I'm a student so they must
know I don't know everything yet... So I figured I would apply and see
how it went. (Druckman)

Even despite uneven success in helping students build enduring
relationships to the FOSS projects they work on over the summer, by
creating a clear, concrete entryway into FOSS development and making
it clear that that entryway is not just for the best and brightest but
for anyone seriously interested in helping write code, GSoC's
structure has helped contributors join FOSS who would not have
otherwise been motivated or successful under the community's tradition
of benign neglect in recruitment. Through GSoC and other recent,
more-proactive innovations in FOSS recruitment, many projects are
discovering, in a nutshell, that "there are people waiting to be
included, who are just, not, and if we simply ask them, they would
join." (Laroia, "Get")
What assumptions are embedded in current FOSS recruitment practices?

Typical passive methods of FOSS recruitment filter the pool of
potential contributors in three main ways, each with implications for
why women or other minorities would be less likely to get involved.

1.) Homogeneity Through Friend Networks

An individual's initial contact with FOSS often happens
person-to-person, via a friend, sibling, or classmate.13
Stereotypically, first FOSS contact looks like two teenagers hacking
on a PC in the basement, and one of them suggesting that they install
Linux for fun. Given FOSS's existing gender and ethnic makeup, the
teenager making the suggestion is almost certainly white, male, and
geeky; because "birds of a feather flock together," and young people's
friendship networks tend to be homophilous on gender and ethnic
dimensions (among others), the second teenager probably shares these
characteristics (McPherson, Smith-Lovin, & Cook). Similar effects
occur later on as well, in contexts such as FOSS user groups or
meetups: "One of the largest reasons our meetup groups are less than
five percent female, in a technology world where 20 to 30 percent of
the people are female,...is we invite people to the meetup group who
we know and our friends are probably people like us" (Laroia, "Get").
Homophilous diffusion of FOSS naturally helps perpetuate its current
demographic monoculture.

2.) Requisite Time, Confidence, and Previous Exposure

Most FOSS projects have poorly-written, incomplete documentation. A
significant number have virtually no documentation at all. Since the
FOSS community is dominated by developers (with few managerial types,
technical writers, designers, or other sorts of stakeholders that
typically contribute to software within firms), projects both lack
sufficient volunteers with the appropriate skill sets to write good
documentation and tend to underprioritize documentation writing and
other non-coding parts of their project. As Gina Trapani notes,

[I]nterface design [along with other non-code contributions] doesn't
get nearly the respect and prioritization it should by typical OSS
engineers. [..] The solution isn't simply getting more designers and
UX experts involved in open source, it's something much more
difficult: changing community values around those skills. Miliano

For a designer to contribute to an open source project, there would
have to be developers committed to implementing the work, to work on
“polish” and “froofy things” instead of “real features” and other
“important things.” That’s a hard nut to swallow, and what volunteer
project owner will ask all their volunteer contributors to, please,
stop working on your pet projects within this codebase and let’s
actually cut features and work on UI and usability and design?

[...] The key here is to prioritize design and usability upfront,
rather than accept a mess of software with plans to slap a pretty
veneer on afterwards. (Trapani)

Recently there have been a few initiatives to make good, complete
documentation an integral part of FOSS development, most notably the
Read the Docs project.14 However, the need for this project and the
fact that it stands out prove the poorly-documented rule.

Poor documentation drastically narrows the pool of potential
contributors to a given FOSS project in three ways. First, it selects
for highly motivated people with a lot of free time. Figuring out how
to download, satisfy dependencies for, modify, build, and push patches
for a given piece of software is far more frustrating and takes far
longer if the steps for how to do so are vague, erroneous, or
incomplete. This disproportionately filters out potential female
contributors because most women have significantly less leisure time
than men. On average, male undergraduates have more than twice as much
free time as their female counterparts (Heeter). This gap continues
into adulthood; while seven out of ten parents believe that child care
duties should be distributed equally between parents, moms report
being the primary caregiver two-thirds of the time (Dunnewind). Women
also "spend about three to seven times as many hours as men on
cleaning and laundry tasks" (Dunnewind). With women disproportionately
taking on the "second shift" of running dual-income households, they
are less likely to have the time and energy to pursue hobbies such as
FOSS development.

Second, poor documentation selects for people who are highly confident
in their technical skills, irrespective of their actual ability.
Getting involved in a FOSS project for the first time, especially one
without good documentation, is an act of faith. Without help and
support from veterans of the project, there is no guarantee that a new
contributor's flailing efforts to get their dev environment working
will ever pay off in the form of improvements and patches. This is
especially true if it is one's first time contributing to a project.
Veteran developers may not be familiar with the specific technologies
or packages used by a new project that they want to work with, but
because they have gone through the build process successfully before,
they are more likely to have faith that they will figure it out
eventually. In the absence of effective documentation or mentorship,
new developers must substitute experience with sufficient bravado and
confidence in their own technical capabilities to believe that sooner
or later, "when things go wrong, you can solve it" (Buckland).15

Men are more likely to have this critical level of "bravado" than
women. Women hold themselves to a higher standard than men,
particularly in science and technology matters. In a study of gender
and self-assessment using a fictitious spatial reasoning skill,
Correll found that "women and men held different standards for what
constituted high ability... [W]omen believed they had to earn a score
of at least 89 percent to be successful, but men felt that a minimum
score of 79 percent was sufficient" (Hill 65). Women also rate their
abilities lower than equivalently-talented men do. (Hill 61) As
software engineer Jean Hsu writes,

When I walked by a departmental career fair, I paused to look at some
of the companies I might want to apply for next semester, and
[Professor Li] told me to sign up for some interviews for that day. I
said I didn't feel prepared and wanted to wait a semester until I felt
like I had more of a basic foundation. He turned to a professor next
to him and said "Jean doesn't know how good she is." He probably would
not remember that exchange, but for me his support was eye-opening. I
realized that while I did decide to major in CS fairly late in the
game, I really was good at it, and my harshest critic was really
myself. (Hsu)

Having high standards for themselves may push women to succeed –
indeed, by some measures women actually do better than men in required
science and technology-related classes. (Hill 21)

However, the accompanying erosion of women's confidence in their
abilities also closes many doors. High-achieving women in academic and
technical fields often also struggle with "impostor syndrome,"
denigrating or explaining away their achievements as luck or accident
rather than daring to attribute them to their own abilities and hard
work. (Kanazawa) While both men and women can suffer from impostor
syndrome, it appears to be more common among women. This pervasive
feeling of being an "impostor," "fraud", or "wannabe" makes people
be less willing to put themselves forward, feeling that they are not
qualified, by eg: not applying for jobs, promotions, and other
employment opportunities; not submitting papers to conferences or
journals; disclaiming or understating their experience/skill when
speaking or writing; or nervousness about talking to others in their
field, especially if those others are perceived as highly
skilled/experienced" (Geek Feminism Wiki, "Impostor")

The confidence gap between men and women does not simply result in
harmless humility – it affects women's willingness to take risks and
the career paths that women eventually choose. As Correll found,

boys were more likely than their equally accomplished female peers to
enroll in calculus [and and choose a college major in science, math,
or engineering] not because boys were better at math but because they
believed that they were better at math. [...] If girls do not believe
they have the ability to become a scientist or engineer, they will
choose to be something else. (Hill 61)

Thus, it is likely that the confidence gap between men and women,
particularly in relation to self-assessed technical ability – could
filter out many potential female contributors as they quickly become
discouraged when first attempting to work on a FOSS project or,
believing themselves not "l33t" ("elite") enough, never try to get
involved in the first place. The reason for Angela Byron's delayed
entry into FOSS contribution bears this hypothesis out:

I've been interested in free software ever since I first heard the
term back in 1995, back when I completed my first successful Linux
installation... I became a fierce advocate of open source alternatives
among my family and friends, and I was totally "that person" in
school... However, I held an equally strong belief that everyone who
actually worked on open source software was really smart and that I,
being only a lowly community college student, couldn't possibly
participate on that level. So I would silently cheer these people on,
[...] wistfully hoping that one day, far into the future, maybe after
I had 30 years of experience or something, I could someday join their
ranks. [...] Once I got to "this side" of the contributor wall I
realized how silly the mythos I had in my head about open source
contributors was. While there are indeed very Einstein-level smarties
out there contributing to open source, most of them are just people
like me... (Druckman)

Women are also more likely than men to see their talents and
intelligence as fixed, unmutable values. Linda Babcock and several
colleagues developed a survey and scale to measure individuals'
positions on a "turnip" to "oyster" spectrum – whether one's attitude
better resembled "you can't get blood from a turnip" (a fixed,
accepting mindset) or "the world is your oyster" (a flexible,
opportunistic mindset) (Babcock & Laschever 19). They found that women
were 45 percent more likely than men to score on the "turnip" side of
the scale (Babcock & Laschever 20). This attitude differential likely
stems from differences in how girls and boys are taught in school:

Girls, who develop self-control earlier and are better able to follow
instructions, are often […] told that we are "so smart," "so clever, "
or "such a good student." This kind of praise implies that traits like
smartness, cleverness and goodness are qualities you either have or
you don't. [O]n the other hand, […] just trying to get boys to sit
still and pay attention is a real challenge for any parent or teacher.
As a result, boys are given a lot more feedback that emphasizes effort
(e.g., "If you would just pay attention you could learn this," "If you
would just try a little harder you could get it right.") (Halvorson)

Thus, when women encounter an obstacle, they are more likely to see it
as an inexorable sign of their own incompetence, while a man
encountering similar obstacles is likely to be "trained - intensely
trained - to fail and select retry, that is to say, to iterate" and to
approach them "as interesting, eminently achievable, potentially fun
exercises with a confidence borne of past successes" (Tycho, qtd in
Scientist Carrie). Social and developmental psychologist Carol Dweck's
research into what she calls "fixed" versus "growth mindsets comes to
similar conclusions (Dweck & Leggett, 1988; Blackwell et al., 2007;
Dweck, 2006, 2008; cited in Hill 47) . This difference in perspective
drastically affects one's well-being and chances of success.

If you've internalized the message that not immediately mastering
something means you aren't "good" and "smart" -- that tricky [puzzle]
is just miserable and demoralizing. Even if you finally manage it, it
feels like a hollow victory. Your repeated failures just prove how
stupid you are and how terrible you are... (Scientist Carrie)

If a person with this attitude and low self-confidence in their
technical abilities is unable to get their chosen FOSS project running
on the first or second try, they are likely to conclude that they are
simply not smart enough to participate and give up rather than (in
order of usefulness) blaming the erroneous or incomplete project
documentation, dispassionately experimenting to try and figure out the
project build "puzzle" on their own, or asking for help.

Finally, poor documentation selects for people who have contributed to
other FOSS projects and are already familiar with the various
trappings thereof. If you ask people what knowledge is necessary to
work on a given open source software project, they usually focus on
what languages and libraries the project's code is written in or with.
In truth, familiarity with a project's programming language is only a
tiny sliver of the knowledge that is necessary in order to contribute
code, and much of that knowledge is tacit – "acquired and stored
within individuals," uncaptured in writing and thus nontransferable
(Osterloh & Frey 539). Common hidden prerequisites include comfort
using the command line, knowledge of bash commands, ability to
effectively use common version control systems, familiarity with bug
trackers, and so forth. Additional tacit knowledge covers how,
exactly, these tools are expected to be used in a given project (e.g.
separating out different changes into separate branches and patches,
marking bugs with the appropriate level of severity and tagging them
with the right people, code styling conventions, etc.). Veterans of a
given project are likely to underestimate the difficulty of getting up
to speed with the array of tools their project uses because they are
so used to using them – they may have even helped choose what
infrastructure to use for the project in the first place.

To be fair, it would be a lot of work for each project to write
project-specific tutorials and style guides to cover all this
background knowledge. But many projects do not effectively acknowledge
all their hidden prerequisites or link to others' tutorials and
resources for each of them; much of their project's tacit knowledge
could be made more explicit, but simply has not been. Thus, the most
likely new contributors to a given FOSS project are likely to have
already contributed to a different FOSS project with similar
infrastructure and prerequisites, shrinking FOSS's potential
recruitment pool and reinforcing FOSS's existing demographic profile.

3.) Assertiveness, Persistence, and a Thick Skin

Without formalized recruitment and mentorship procedures or a
pre-existing relationship to a current contributor, new FOSS
participants must be willing from the very beginning to "put
themselves out there" – initiate their own participation on faith that
their contribution is wanted and needed, ask "stupid" questions of
unknown veteran developers, nag project leaders to review their
patches, defend the merits of their approach to a problem on mailing
lists, and so forth. All of these activities may be challenging for
shy people in the best of circumstances; for a new contributor with no
trusted contacts within the project and less than perfect confidence
in one's own technical savvy, such alienating, intimidating environs
are likely to lead to them running away or never trying to contribute
in the first place. As one contributor to Debian, a FOSS project
notorious for being especially prickly, recounted,

In 2004 or so, I saw Debian as the cool kids' club, that awesome
project that I wished I could be a part of. By 2006, I managed to get
over myself, read the New Maintainer's Guide, and find a way to get
involved. As of mid 2009, I am a full-blown Debian Developer. I have
real ultimate power. But I sometimes do still feel hesitation akin to
"Imposter Syndrome". [...] In the past year of being a Developer, one
thing I've seen is that other contributors ask me privately for help.
Rather than blast the public lists like debian-mentors [a list
intended to help new contributors], they email or IRC private-message
me, or SMS me, or find me at a Linux Users Group event. I'm lucky to
know these people, and they're lucky to have me as a safe person to
ask questions of. [...] [At the "Debian for Shy People" session,] I
asked, "How many of you have someone you can ask embarrassing
questions of?" Of the forty people crammed into [the room], two people
raised their hands. One person put it plainly, "I don't know anyone
else who does Debian." (Laroia, "Debian")

Since becoming a Debian Developer, Laroia has gone on to be
extensively involved in improving FOSS outreach. Without others in the
community to safely ask questions of, and a developer environment that
is indifferent or even hostile to newcomers, it is easy for potential
contributors' shyness to prevent them from getting involved for years,
or ever.
Women are especially likely to be limited by this sort of anxiety.
Linda Babcock's research found that women score significantly higher
than men on a scale of "negotiation apprehension", with two and a half
as many women as men feeling "a great deal of apprehension" about
negotiating (Babcock & Laschever 114). Her surveys found that "[w]omen
felt particularly uneasy about scenarios involving work or activities
in which they felt less expert than men (such as getting their car
fixed). [...] Men associated words such as exciting and fun with
negotiation far more than women, who were more likely...to choose
words such as scary" (Babcock & Laschever 114). In describing their
experience of negotiation, "women were more likely to pick metaphors
such as going to the dentist" (Babcock & Laschever 114). Research has
found that this increased anxiety makes it less likely that a woman
will go through with a negotiation interaction (Babcock & Laschever

Most of the apparent unfriendliness of FOSS projects is unintentional.
However, to some degree it appears that these characteristics have
become a point of pride for FOSS developers and users.16 The obscurity
and difficulty associated with using or contributing to their software
is taken as an indicator of high intelligence and hacking skills; in
the worst cases, this unfriendliness becomes a form of hazing, where
you prove that you belong in the FOSS community by demonstrating that
you know how to deal with its most alienating elements.17 After
Vitorio Miliano wrote that closed-source/non-free software has more
female contributors than FOSS because it has a friendlier culture, he
received this reply: "So [women] have to be spoonfed? What makes them
so goddamn important if they haven’t proven they’re willing to
contribute?" As Miliano notes, this attitude is precisely the problem:

What you see as spoon-feeding is what normal men and women [...] see
as proper, instructive socialization. “Hi, welcome to the community,
here’s a housewarming present, here’s how things work, we could really
use some help over here and I’d love to show you how to work on
it[...]” When you volunteer your mortgage payments and your children’s
educational future and your commuting time to move into a
neighborhood, the neighborhood welcomes you and shows you the ropes
because now you’re all in it together. With open source, you’re also
volunteering your time and knowledge and effort, but there’s no
welcoming committee, no backyard barbecues, just a bunch of
unappreciative keeping-up-with-the-Jones’, where if you don't have the
internal motivation to contribute, you won’t last. (Miliano)

Normal humans like to be welcomed. Recruitment processes for any
number of other communities and collaborative efforts – university
students, churchgoers, Habitat for Humanity volunteers – typically
include elements to orient new members and help them become useful.
Yet, for various reasons, such efforts are drastically undervalued and
neglected by most FOSS projects. Feeling like an outsider – being the
only woman, non-coder, or other minority member in the room, on the
email list, or in the IRC channel – only exacerbates unwelcoming or
hostile infrastructure.

It is important to note that none of these assumptions or "filters"
affects women or any particular group exclusively. There are plenty of
people, men and women, who would otherwise be fantastic FOSS
contributors who do not do so because they are busy, unsure of their
technical prowess, shy, and/or discouraged by a project's
seemingly-hostile atmosphere. It is also important to make clear that
despite the dismal statistics, the FOSS community is not devoid of
female contributors and project leaders; these "filters" are not
absolute in their effects. My point is merely to show that women (and
presumably other minority groups) tend to be disproportionately
affected by these flaws in FOSS recruitment. On the flip side, this
also means that women and minorities represent the greatest growth
potential for outreach in the FOSS community; if FOSS were to go from
2 percent women to 50 percent women (or even just 20 percent women),
that change would not merely make FOSS's demographic calculations more
equitable but would also signal huge community growth as well, with
thousands of new contributors coming "off the sidelines" (Laroia,


Ultimately, most FOSS projects are not good at attracting new
contributors of any sort. Sandeep Krishnamurthy's survey of active
FOSS projects found that the median number of developers for a given
project was just 4; the mode was one solitary developer
(Krishnamurthy). With such a small contributor base it does not take
much for a FOSS project to fail. Open source software veteran Karl
Fogel estimates that as many as 95 percent of FOSS projects die on the
vine (Fogel 12). Indeed, FOSS community members use the rather-morbid
"bus factor" – how many key developers would have to get hit by a bus
to make the project shut down – as a metric for the sustainability of
a project; unfortunately, many projects, even ones with an extensive
user base, have bus factors of 1 or 2.

Recruitment of and outreach to new contributors are key to a FOSS
project's long-term survival. However, at present the myriad obstacles
to initial FOSS involvement mean that nearly everyone who does manage
to join the community comes from the extreme, rarefied end of the bell
curve in several dimensions – not just gender or ethnicity, but also
things like personality and skill set.18 Each incident or obstacle may
on its own not be particularly troubling, but cumulatively they result
in community monoculture and stagnation. "As the psychologist Virginia
Valian writes in her book Why So Slow: The Advancement of Women: 'It
is unfair to neglect even minor instances of group-based bias, because
they add up to major inequalities'" (Babcock & Laschever 8). Without
conscious effort to recognize and fix these molehills in FOSS
recruitment and culture, they multiply to become mountains.

Fortunately, not all FOSS communities are unaware of these barriers
and the "terror and frustration and vanishing" they cause (Laroia,
"Get"). Dreamwidth, a fork of the code that runs blogging service
LiveJournal, is notable as one of very few FOSS projects whose
contributors are majority-female, with a substantial proportion of
gay, trans, and genderqueer contributors as well. This is not an
accident; as a project founded by women, Dreamwidth proactively
prioritized inclusion and diversity from the very beginning. Its
diversity statement, beginning simply with "We welcome you," is
extraordinary by any measure and unique among FOSS projects.19
Dreamwidth's "Getting Started" page for new developers states "If
you're totally new to programming and/or contributing to Open Source
projects, don't worry! We'll walk you through the process" – a
friendly "Don't Panic"-esque notice that encourages even
less-experienced coders to get involved.20

Another example of an unusually friendly FOSS project is ThinkUp, a
social media-based brainstorming application headed by Gina Trapani
and Anil Dash. In an interview, Dash explained why diversity was such
a priority with ThinkUp:

It's really important to me that we have this open source project
that's had remarkable early success and our lead coder is a woman, and
she's out, and we have prominent developers in our community who are
gay, who are women, who basically don't look like every other open
source app out there. Essentially, that inclusiveness isn't just the
goal of the crowdsourcing, but of the technology development itself --
because we all build our cultural assumptions into the tools we make.
[Diversity] was a prerequisite. Absolutely essential. [...] It was
more about what I saw as the failings of the tech industry where
people would excitedly say, "You can get people to contribute to an
open source app just by giving them t-shirts!" And the choice of
t-shirts are men's medium or large. (Scola)

While diversity on gender, sexual orientation, and other typical
socioeconomic dimensions was certainly a priority, the ThinkUp
founders have explicitly stated that they see diversity in a more
expansive way: "We encourage contributions not only by women, but open
source newbies and non-usual suspects of all stripes: designers, user
experience experts, writers, students, and enthusiastic users"
(Trapani). ThinkUp does not have the prominent diversity statement
that Dreamwidth does; its front page declares that the project
"Welcom[es] All Developers!", but doesn't explicitly talk about sex,
gender, race, etc.21 However, it succeeds in recognizing that "it's
the small things that count" in creating a welcoming environment
(Stewart). For instance, the top of ThinkUp's code repository and
developer website states, "Welcome! You are a programmer! The ThinkUp
project eagerly welcomes new contributors from all communities, even
if you don’t think of yourself as a programmer. (Yet!)".22 This
statement immediately defuses potential contributors' self-doubt,
uncertainty about their help being wanted, and imposter syndrome
symptoms, encouraging them to continue reading and get involved.

Defining a FOSS project's internal culture around friendly inclusion
from the beginning is one way to avoid these problems; however, that
does not give us much of a strategy for how to improve long-standing
FOSS communities. Fortunately, a new generation of FOSS outreach
programming has recently developed in two major FOSS communities and
already such programs appear to be making huge differences in terms of
both diversity and community growth generally. In 2009, two women in
the San Francisco-area Ruby meetup group, unhappy with how few women
attended the meetup, put on a free one-day workshop to teach "women
and their friends" the basics of programming in Ruby on Rails, a
popular language and platform for writing web applications (Mei).23
That single workshop soon became a wildly-popular series of workshops,
collectively called Railsbridge, hosted for free in the offices of San
Francisco-based Web 2.0 magnates like Twitter and Pivotal Labs.24
Consistently all sixty or so seats in a given workshop fill up within
24 hours of the event announcement. It turned out that there were
hundreds of women, many already working in the tech industry in
nontechnical positions, who had a thirst for learning to program but
had not found such a friendly, welcoming environment in which to try.
Many of these women continued their study of Ruby in book club-like
meetings with other attendees as well as at hackathons hosted by the
SF Ruby meetup group; a number have gone on to teach or assist with
future Railsbridge workshops. The workshops and their aftermath did
not just recruit new female members into SF Ruby directly:

When the Ruby people brought in more women to the integrated community
of their meetup group, they noticed that other women who didn't attend
their workshops would start attending the meetup group. And what they
were doing was undoing the self-reinforcing demographic problems. By
having new people who represented a different demographic group, they
would bring in their friends! (Laroia, "Get")

As a result, within a year the SF Ruby meetup group went from 2
percent female to 18 percent female (Mei). Other Ruby enthusiast
groups are now attempting to clone the Railsbridge curriculum and run
their own workshops across the country.

Railsbridge's efforts have also inspired enthusiasts of another open
source programming language, Python, to do similar outreach. In
February 2011, three members of the Boston Python meetup group,
Asheesh Laroia, Jessica McKellar, and Ned Batchelder, organized a
one-day workshop for women and their friends following a similar
curriculum as Railsbridge, only teaching a Python-based set of
technologies. The workshop was well attended and apparently successful
(Laroia, "Get"). After Laroia spoke at PyCon (the main Python language
conference) later that year about the workshop and FOSS outreach
generally, attendees from several other Python user groups – in
Minneapolis, the Bay Area, and Montreal, Canada – were inspired to run
similar events, which have come to be known as PyStar workshops, in
the following months.25 Given how new PyStar is, it is not yet clear
if it will have the same community-building, diversity-increasing
effects in the Python community as Railsbridge had in the Ruby
community, but so far the signs are promising.26

Vitorio Miliano believes that the problems with dominant modes of FOSS
recruitment are inseparable from the problem of sexism in FOSS:

I believe the problems with open source not being able to handle
non-programmers in their projects is the same problem as the rampant
sexism: open source culture is not feminist. Feminism is fundamentally
about equality for everyone, not just women, and designers of any
gender are just as alienated as women programmers, because it’s not an
equally welcoming environment. There’s no perceived value in open
source for mentoring, facilitation, disciplining of unruly users,
training of newcomers or non-technical users, etc., which are needed
to support both designers of any gender and women in any role.

Fortunately, the contrapositive of Miliano's argument appears to also
be true: making FOSS more accessible and friendly in general appears
to have the side effect of also making it more diverse. As
FOSS-centered conference talks on outreach (such as Asheesh Laroia's
PyCon lecture) and success stories from other projects' recruitment
initiatives circulate, hopefully more FOSS projects will be turned on
to the importance of being welcoming, concrete, and proactive in their
handling of new contributors, "shy" or otherwise (Laroia, "Get"). Many
members of the FOSS community have a certain allergy to the word
"feminism" and are not especially motivated to address diversity
issues for their own sake. As these new outreach ideas and practices
spread, though, the incentive structure may be in place for FOSS
projects to "accidentally" diversify their demographic makeup as they
grow without having to grapple with that "f-word".


1: A selection of theories of why there are fewer women/minorities in
tech: less socioeconomically advantaged kids are less likely to have
had a personal computer in the 1980s (Restructure!) and the average
age of first having one's own computer is significantly higher for
girls than for boys (Krieger); computer science department culture is
less appealing to women (Margolis & Fisher, 2002); and repeated
failure is part and parcel of coding and boys are better taught to
handle failure than girls (Scientist Carrie).

2: http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/CouchDB_talk

3: http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/EMACS_virgins_joke

4: Recent account of one such assault (trigger warning):

5: In this paper, I use the term "recruitment" loosely to describe the
ways in which new contributors become involved in FOSS. However, it
should be noted that most FOSS projects do not actively "recruit" in
any traditional sense of the word (e.g. athletic recruitment). At
best, projects seek to make it less difficult for outsiders to submit
patches or other contributions; the "recruitment" interaction is
almost always passive on the part of the project. This arguably may be
a weakness of FOSS communities and contribute to FOSS projects' low
overall survival rate. Notably, the new wave of FOSS outreach is
significantly more proactive than previous efforts.

6: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-August/000605.html

7: https://openhatch.org/blog/2011/april-build-it-week/

8: Example: http://us.pycon.org/2011/sprints/

9: http://women.debian.org/home/

10: http://ubuntu-women.com/

11: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mentors

12: http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2011/04/dos-and-donts-of-google-summer-of-code_21.html

13: A number of stories of users' first encounters with Linux can be
found at https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=15691&p=1 and

14: http://readthedocs.org/

15: See especially the distinction made between "category A" people
and "category C" people in the lecture, starting about fifteen minutes
in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE7l6Adoiiw.

16: The title of this paper came from a comment made by a longtime
FOSS developer at PyCon 2010 to a woman who was listing factors that,
to date, had made her hesitant to get involved in FOSS, as mentioned
in this blog post:
http://jackdied.blogspot.com/2011/03/pycon-detritus.html. While in
this case the jibe appears to have had a positive, proactive effect
(it got under the woman's skin, with the end result that she now
contributes to FOSS) the attitude behind such comments is telling.

17: At PyCon 2011, I was asked half-jokingly, "Why can't these people
[women, etc.] just read the docs and figure things out on their own?
That's how I got involved!" Whether this mentality is simply
reflective of a lack of understanding of how other people learn and
participate or symptomatic of a sort of hazing ritual, this attitude
seems fairly widespread.

18: For instance, some commentators both in and outside the FOSS
community suggest that participation in FOSS may select for people on
the autistic spectrum, with various associated personality traits.
However, to date there has been no medical or psychological work to
confirm or refute such a link. See discussion in Krieger et al, p.

19: http://www.dreamwidth.org/legal/diversity

20: http://wiki.dwscoalition.org/notes/Dev_Getting_Started

21: http://thinkupapp.com/

22: https://github.com/ginatrapani/ThinkUp/wiki/Developer-Guide

23: The "women and their friends" stipulation was meant to make it
clear that the workshop was female-friendly without being exclusive,
as well as to aid in recruitment: if you were a woman, you could
attend automatically; if you were a man, you could attend, but only if
you found a woman in your life who was interested in attending and
would then bring you as her guest. This gave interested men an
incentive to find a female friend or colleague who might be interested
in learning to program and encourage them to attend the workshop.
Roughly speaking, about a quarter to a third of Railsbridge attendees
have been male.

24: More information on the workshops and related activism can be
found at http://workshops.railsbridge.org/.

25: More information on the workshops can be found at http://pystar.org/.

26: Women's attendance of the Boston Python meetup jumped from about 2
percent (1 out of 50) in January, before the Boston Python workshop,
to about 16 percent (11 out of 55) in May.

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