[Gendergap] The book of genesis

Frances Kissling fkissling at gmail.com
Sun Feb 13 16:17:11 UTC 2011

I just checked the Wikipedia article on Liberation Theology. Not a woman
theologian mentioned. Not a word about the debates in liberation theology
about women's human rights as central to poverty eradication. Not a word
about the disciplining of women liberation theologians., Not a woman expert
cited or a publication by a woman cited in the references. A totally
irrelevant line about an Andrew Greeley novel included. Now, in part, the
reason is that men in liberation theology do not think these are important
issues and brush them away. And the men in liberation theology hang out
together and therefore quote and write about each other. If a woman were
adding data and not dismissed by the male "experts"  other information that
some segment of society finds important would be included - and would not be
considered POV.  


Frances Kissling, visiting scholar

Center for Bioethics, UPenn

202 368 3954


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