[Foundation-l] Privacy concerns

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 08:17:24 UTC 2011

Robin McCain, 10/07/2011 07:43:
 > If I might interject, it seems that the sole purpose of the snail mail
 > described is to link a physical person to a login name in such a way
 > that there is some accountability for one's actions that is acceptable
 > to the organization. Is it really necessary to copy an identity
 > document? Could a document with a notary seal accomplish much the same
 > purpose without the need for a copy (and thus avoid possible legal
 > issues arising from making such a copy)?
 > We had similar identity concerns when CAcert<http://www.cacert.org/>
 > became intercontinental - originally one had to go through a somewhat
 > complicated process with two notarys, etc. to gain certain trust levels,
 > but as the project grew and the founders began to travel all over the
 > world it became possible to meet in person with an "Assurer" and present
 > one's identity documents (which were NOT copied) and thus gain points
 > towards becoming a trusted person to the certification authority (ie.
 > able to generate server keys chained to the CAcert organization's root
 > keys, etc.).

In our case it would be enough to take part in a wikimeetup (let's do 
more of them!). :-D
Or to join a chapter (why haven't you yet?!). (Just kidding.)


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