[Foundation-l] Transfer a domain to the foundation

Neil Babbage neil at thebabbages.com
Wed Aug 31 16:49:38 UTC 2011

You could try contacting the domain registrar email 
addressdns-admin at wikimedia.org

or you could contact the WMF staff via talk pages on Meta (e.g., 
User:Philippe (WMF)).

did you try #wikimedia-tech on IRC? They might be able to help.

On 31/08/2011 15:46, Huib Laurens wrote:
> Hello,
> I currently have the domain www.wikilovesmonuments.com in my possession.
> I'm am willing to transfer this domain to the foundation, but I don't really
> know who to contact, and IRC didn't help me. Can somebody point me to the
> right person or can the right person contact me on: huib at wickedway.nl

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