[Foundation-l] [Commons-l] Wikidata

Marc Riddell michaeldavid86 at comcast.net
Wed Nov 24 23:28:52 UTC 2010

on 11/24/10 6:10 PM, WJhonson at aol.com at WJhonson at aol.com wrote:

> Would this project answer the question I am trying to address today?
> "Which American actors died in 1970?"
> There does not appear to me, to be any obvious way of using the built-in
> search engine to answer this question.  Searching for "Actor 1970" generates a
> lot of false positives, an overwhelming number.
> Is there no way to find the intersection of two categories ?
> W


Could it de done with a Category: 1970 Deaths - Actors, or some such thing?


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