[Foundation-l] No, even a couple of Google ads on each page would be a fatally bad idea

Milos Rancic millosh at gmail.com
Mon Nov 8 06:41:40 UTC 2010

One reason more why not to depend on ad providers, like Google is:

"The popular wiki TV Tropes, a site dedicated to the discussion of
various tropes, clichés and other common devices in fiction has
suddenly decided to put various of its pages behind a 'possibly
family-unsafe' content warning, apparently due to pressure by Google
withdrawing its ads.  What puzzles me most is the content that is put
behind this warning. TV Tropes features no explicit sexual content,
and no explicit violence. It does of course discuss these things, as
is its remit, but without actual explicit depictions. In fact,
something as relatively innocuous as children being raised by two
females, whatever the reason  are put behind the content warning, even
if the page itself doesn't take a stand on the issue, merely
satisfying itself by describing the occurence of this in fiction." [1]

So, if WMF ever go with ads, it should be its own provider.

[1] http://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/11/07/2348259/TV-Tropes-Self-Censoring-Under-Google-Pressure?from=rss

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