[Foundation-l] Fundraising Data Dump

Rand Montoya rand at wikimedia.org
Thu Mar 19 21:15:00 UTC 2009

Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton at ...> writes:

> 2009/3/19 Troy McConaghy <troy.mcconaghy at ...>:
> > and that's all well and good, but then there are rows like this:
> >
> > ,,,14.10,10.00,EUR,DE
> >
> > and I don't know what to do with those. They have no values for template,
> > tracking source, or campaign.
> Could they be people that went direct to the donation page (donate
> link in the sidebar, typing in the URL, link from another site, etc.)
> rather than clicking on a site notice?
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Hey All--

(I responded to Troy directly...re-posting most of it here with more 

Yes, there will be many donations for 0.00 USD and for many different 
reasons, including, but not limited to:
1) Refunds via paypal (They still may exist as gift records...but null
transactions.  We attempted to pull all these, but some may be lingering.)
2) 1 yen contributions (or similar low exchange currency) than can 
translate to 0.00 USD
3) Soft-credits for matching gift information.  (If they happen all at once,
they are soft credits for a company...where the company can give one 
donation that is soft credited towards many employees.)
4) Something else...we've done the best we can.

As for the site notices, since our tracking mechanism was dependent on 
the donor going directly from a (the site notice) to b (the donation page), it 
sometimes was skewed if the donor went to a, then c (donor comments),
 then d (the transparency page) then b. It could also be the donor was 
linked directly via another web page or blog post or something like that.

And like Thomas said, if a donor went directly from the donate link 
in the WP sidebar, they wouldn't have any tracking information either.

So, yes, not every value will have tracking information.  In a perfect 
world, we'd like to analyze the trackable data and see what kind of cool 
info comes out in terms of donation trends from countries via certain site 
notices and so forth.


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