[Foundation-l] GFDL 1.3 Release

geni geniice at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 15:17:34 UTC 2008

2008/11/4 Nathan <nawrich at gmail.com>:
> Seriously - why do we have to yoke ourselves to yet another external
> organization? Clearly the binding association with the FSF has presented a
> number of problems and limitations - wouldn't it be preferable to have
> control of the terms, and write in compatibility with the licenses we'd like
> to accomodate?
> Nathan

I looked into this at one point there are a number of problems.

1)Compatibility. It is unlikely we would see anyone else using our
license on a significant scale so we lock ourselves off from the rest
of the free content mob.

2)Setup of the WMF. The WMF is it's current form is aimed at running
wikipedia not writing and maintaining free licenses

3)One of the very firm lessons of the GFDL mess is that righting a
free content license with any specific purpose in mind is a bad idea.

4)Trust in the WMF. The FSF can be relied on to stick to it's
principles. CC has agreed to stick to a certain set. Putting both the
position of main content hoster and license control in the hands of
the same people is a very significant risk.


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