[Foundation-l] Board elections: Statistics

Andre Engels andreengels at gmail.com
Fri Jun 6 05:51:37 UTC 2008

2008/6/6 Jesse Plamondon-Willard <pathoschild at gmail.com>:

> ==Current votes==
> 1185 valid votes (plus 97 votes replaced by a later vote, and 3 votes
> struck by the committee).

Can you give an indication as to why these 3 votes were struck?

> ===Valid votes by language===

Turnout by language (top 31 language in number of eligible voters).
All numbers are approximate because people could have voted from
another than their first language.

he 73/272 (26.8%)
id 7/48 (14.6%)
sr 8/61 (13.1%)
zh 51/428 (11.9%)
el 6/54 (11.1%)
fi 225/227 (11.0%)
ru 60/600 (10.0%)
nl 47/498 (9.4%)
uk 6/72 (8.3%)
bg 5/68 (7.4%)
ar 6/85 (7.1%)
es 55/861 (6.4%)
de 146/2583 (5.7%)
en 500/9108 (5.5%)
cs 8/151 (5.3%)
ko 5/95 (5.3%)
fa 3/60 (5.0%)
ca 4/100 (4.0%)
it 32/864 (3.7%)
no 6/166 (3.6%)
fr 48/1424 (3.4%)
pt 9/372 (2.4%)
pl 15/646 (2.3%)
sv 3/323 (0.9%)
hu 1/202 (0.5%)
ja 3/947 (0.3%)
hr 0/49 (0.0%)
th 0/56 (0.0%)
ro 0/78 (0.0%)
da 0/82 (0.0%)
tr 0/130 (0.0%)

Total turnout 1185/21804 = 5.4%

Andre Engels, andreengels at gmail.com
ICQ: 6260644 -- Skype: a_engels

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