[Foundation-l] Wikimedia Foundation's partnership with Kaltuna and loss of freedom

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 23:53:00 UTC 2008

> Along this line of thought, I have seen somebody banned on en.wikipedia
> that seemed to have behaved themselves rather well on en.wikibooks....
> only to have a zealous steward (I won't name names here, but it has
> happened) go into en.wikibooks and do a permanent ban on their account
> due to an arbcom decision on en.wikipedia.  I think this is
> inappropriate behavior on the part of that particular steward, and I
> hope this doesn't become a widespread practice.  Certainly trollish
> behavior on one project should be a "heads up" to scan for similar
> trollish behavior on other projects, but it shouldn't be the automatic
> reason to kick them off.

If it really happened as you describe (and you haven't missed out any
details, like the steward also being an en.wikibooks admin) and the
person is still a steward, I would name names if I were you. It's
completely unacceptable for a steward to take such action - blocks
should be made by local admins based on local policy, it's nothing to
do with stewards.

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