[Foundation-l] Three fundraising job openings

effe iets anders effeietsanders at gmail.com
Fri Apr 18 07:39:44 UTC 2008

Maybe a question with an obvious reply, in that case please forgive my
ignorance. Could you (Erik, Michael, or anyone else who spotted the answer
already) elaborate a bit on what is meant by "community giving"? It sounds
to me like it is asking the editing community to give more money, but that
would strike me a bit as odd, as my amateuristic expectation would be that
most of the fundraising money is coming from the visitors, not as much from
the editors.

Finally, I hope very much that this will finally lead to a better strategy
with respect to Europe, where quite some chances have been missed in the
past imho (with respect to paying methods for example), so I hope that the
person who gets this job does not only speak at least one other language to
understand what translating is about, but also has experience with
fundraising in at least two continents (but I am afraid this will be a tough
skill set to find :) )

For the rest I agree with Nathan, and I'll shut up with my doubts here, as
we will have to work with and trust on the expert staff members we have
asked to do this part of the job for us. What I do hope is that volunteers
will remain to be actively involved in the process.

Best regards,


2008/4/18, Michael Snow <wikipedia op verizon.net>:
> Dan Rosenthal wrote:
> > I don't disagree with you. Though I think that starting with one and
> > slowly work their way might be an alternative, I don't see anything
> > wrong with three fundraising staff members. I'm just saying we don't
> > even have them yet, so it's a bit early to speculate on them.
> >
> For the major gifts position and the community giving position we're
> looking for a rather different set of skills, because the approaches
> required are quite distinct. The skillsets aren't likely to overlap much
> in one person, so it doesn't make sense to try to shoehorn
> responsibility for both into the first plausible candidate. That is in a
> sense the staffing approach that has gotten Wikimedia into no end of
> problems in the past.
> I expect Sue may fill one or another of these positions more quickly,
> depending on the applicant pool. But effectively moving forward with a
> diversified fundraising strategy requires all of them in the end.
> --Michael Snow
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