[Foundation-l] [Internal-l] Relocation Announcement

Mark Bergsma mark at wikimedia.org
Mon Sep 24 20:15:35 UTC 2007

Anthony wrote:
> Making multiple copies of what, the database?  Yeah, as I understand
> it what you guys now have is way better.  Multiple read-only caches,
> which can sometimes be out of date by a few seconds, and one central
> read-write db with the "official" copy of everything.
> This discussion does bring up the point that the centralized db should
> probably be in a better location, though.  Tampa doesn't seem to have
> very good peering with the rest of the world, or even with other parts
> of Tampa!

It's indeed not ideal, although generally not as bad as you are 
currently seeing. However moving it would be way too costly at this 
point, and Tampa also has a few advantages, such as being pretty cheap.

The situation can be mitigated quite well by putting Squid caches in 
sensible places. Maybe we can move all of it in a few years if/when we 
have more cache reserves, we'll see.

I am actually glad that these days we get to complain about the speed of 
light as the bottleneck, instead of other capacity problems within our 

Mark Bergsma <mark at wikimedia.org>
System & Network Administrator, Wikimedia Foundation

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