[Foundation-l] Relocation announcement

George Herbert george.herbert at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 23:23:45 UTC 2007

On 9/23/07, Marc Riddell <michaeldavid86 at comcast.net> wrote:
> >> George Herbert wrote:
> >>> I hope that the Foundation considers locating outside San Francisco
> >>> city limits, however; getting in to San Francisco if you're not coming
> >>> in on BART can be difficult at rush hour.  In particular, for coming
> >>> in for meetings and the like, downtown SF is hard to get into and find
> >>> parking in at midday.
> On 9/23/07, Ray Saintonge <saintonge at telus.net> wrote:
> >> Since transportation access was a major factor in moving from St.
> >> Petersburg, it would seem that some weight could be given to communities
> >> near the SFO airport.  While BART could take us through San Francisco
> >> and Oakland to the other side we would not want people caught up
> >> unexpectedly in rush-hour when they are scrambling to catch a flight out.
> > on 9/23/07 6:41 PM, Michael Noda at michael.noda at gmail.com wrote:
> > BART connects directly to SFO airport, and is a short shuttle bus away
> > from OAK airport.  Airport access should not be a problem from any
> > rail-accessible location.
> George, Ray, Michael & All,
> Don't forget, SF is where the Hippie counter-culture began. Although it has
> quieted down quite a bit, the seeds for such things still exist there. It's
> a great step forward for the Project. Wiki Progress!
> Marc

I wouldn't recommend looking for office space in the Haight, though.
No good long distance rapid transit.

In dot-com terms; SOMA was ground zero, but that's faded a lot and
spread out to the rest of the Bay Area.  (For those not familar, SOMA
is South of Market Area, the area south of Market Street, bounded by
Market, Van Ness, the 101/80 freeways, and King Street / China Basin
on the south.  It's about a square mile.)  The vibrant geek culture of
the late 1990s in that area is muted by comparison; there's still a
focal point there, but it's much less central to the region's modern
web-based activities.

I spent a number of years working in the area and in the web industry,
until the bust.

It's still a cool place to be, but it's not the same.  For the most
part, everyone got cars and commutes now, so the scene diffused...

-george william herbert
george.herbert at gmail.com

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