[Foundation-l] Language Prevention Committee created

Andre Engels andreengels at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 19:31:52 UTC 2007

2007/3/27, GerardM <gerard.meijssen at gmail.com>:
> Hoi,
> You have got it wrong. Two languages that DID not have language files in
> MediaWiki. They had a full Wikipedia and now these languages ARE supported
> in MediaWiki itself. To get there.. THEY did not have to do anything.. I
> have been asking developers for a favour, and I am grateful to Nikerabbit
> for the great work he did for me.

In short, you are using these languages as a weapon in your fight to get
your favorite tool in through the MediaWiki developers - as long as you
don't implement my thing, I'm not going to allow any new languages. Firstly,
you are not the one to decide what the developers must do first and what
later. And second, even if you were, prospective Wikipedians are not the one
who should be the victim of your petty fights.

I regret that you are on the Wikipedia languages committee when you are
willing to sacrifice Wikipedia languages for the, in your opinion, greater
good of MediaWiki languages.

Andre Engels, andreengels at gmail.com
ICQ: 6260644  --  Skype: a_engels

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