[Foundation-l] could we please have a community-l?

Kim Bruning kim at bruning.xs4all.nl
Sun Aug 19 23:18:33 UTC 2007

On Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 10:34:30PM +1000, Brianna Laugher wrote:
> So what does it actually take to get a mailing list created? :)

I'm not sure, ask JamesF. :-)

Whatever the case, please sign me up! [1][2][3] :-)

read you soon,
	Kim Bruning 
[1] Or point me to the convenient 20 page web form where I must 
reveal all my personal information, pledge my firstborn, and 
agree to eat at a local night market.
[2] If none of the above is possible yet I'll start bugging 
    people to create said list.
[3] Though worst case I can run it on some local box.

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