[Foundation-l] 5th Birthday of the Polish Wikipedia

Łukasz Garczewski tor at oak.pl
Mon Sep 25 23:41:23 UTC 2006

[Argh... Reposting this, since the first mail apparently didn't reach 
the list... :/]

Dear All,
a quick report from the 5th Birthday of the Polish Wikipedia, which
took place last Saturday.

We met at the Warsaw School of Economics around 5 p.m. After a brief
introduction by Justyna (Creative Commons Poland) Jimbo gave his talk
on Wikipedia and wikis in general, Polish Wikipedia and Wikia Poland.
After that there was a session of questions and answers (a bit too
long, perhaps, but quite interesting at times even to a long time
Wikipedian such as myself).

Next, we move to two very brief presentations by Wikimedia Poland
members: Tomek "Polimerek" Ganicz outlined plwiki's first days and
history, I talked a bit about the future (as in the future of the
project and the future moves and goals of WMPL).

After that it was time to... party! We had a beautiful cake (see [1],
[2]) and champagne (see [3]). There was time for a few interviews and
some socializing. We also sung "Sto lat" ("Happy birthday").

Later we moved to a nearby pub for even more socializing, this time
without the media. You know, the usual geeky gathering - linux jokes,
the latest trolls on wikipl and all that stuff wikipedians like to
chat about. Alek (CCPL) even got Jimbo to drink something we call
"wściekły pies" (Polish for "rabid dog" - vodka with raspberry juice). 
Don't worry, Jimmy survived it and only coughed for a little while. ;)

It was a very nice and cheerful event. The only downside was
attendance - we had thought more people would come. I can only hope that
next year there will be more interest.

[1] *The* Cake 
[2] Jimbo with *The* Cake
[3] Champagne... and a lot of it
[4] Wikimedians (and a few CC guys and gals ;))

More photos here:

Lucas "TOR" Garczewski
President of Wikimedia Poland

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