[Foundation-l] [Fwd: Fw: Wi ki ? Wi ki ? (et recherches documentaires sur l'Internet)]

Sabine Cretella sabine_cretella at yahoo.it
Mon Sep 5 13:56:59 UTC 2005

The message was sent by  Frédéric de SOLLIERS to the TLSFRM-list (three 
times - one copy on 6 May 2005 and two copies on 3 September 2005).


In that list there are only 537 members - not much for a translator's 
list, but enough to pass such messages on and on, just like I received it.

The author should know about wikipedia copyrights, since he left a note 

I suppose he does not understand the difference between copyright and 

Well I suppose there should be some kind of short standard explanation 
in as many languages as possible that can then be used by all of us to 
send it to people who create such misunderstandings. The thing is: 
negative statementes are more easily remebered as positive ones (and if 
they are repeated ... well...). As for the German translators I can 
write a short note - up to now it did not appear on the Italian 
translator's lists so it does not make sense to write something now, but 
I suppose it would make sense to send a mail to the French discussion 

As for the French translator's list: who of you could help me? I could 
write and someone of you corrects it ... well I have the objective 
problem that in French I will have some problems in expressing these 
sentences that make the tiny difference ... hmmm.

The situation is quite clear: or he commented on wikipedia without 
having read the present information, or he did not understand what is 
written there, or he is simply someone who tries to talk negatively 
about the projects whenever he has the possibility.

All three need some "please do your homework before talking this way".

As for the contents the answer is simple: if he finds that the French 
contents is not good enough: click on edit and improve it, giving 
something back to the community instead of complaining.

This combined with some "why the wikimedia pojects" are useful for 
translators will do it - maybe also help to create new and interesting 

So, please let me know who has time :-)

Ciao, Sabine

Traroth wrote:

>The texte speaks from not so famous inventors, who
>have no article in wikipedia, and uses this argument
>to say wikipedia is not reliable, and after that, some
>reasoning is done to explain that wikipedia does not
>conform to the Bern convention about author right.
>Where does this text come from ?


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