[Foundation-l] Forking the Wiki

Traroth traroth at yahoo.fr
Thu Jan 6 16:07:47 UTC 2005

I think the little flame war between Scott Nelson and me is the perfect illustration of what will happen continously : What could possibly happen when you ask to people in conflict (and i mean real conflict, nothing to do with something like a Wikipeda revert war...) to write on what happened to them and there family, in a media where the other side can read it and react to it ? What could be the reaction of a palestinian, who have just lost his son in an israeli bombing, when he read complaints from an israeli who just lost his wife in a palestinian bomb attack ? The fundamental problem is that you ask for reactions about subjects which just cannot be treated calmly, and especially not by the victims. 

Robin Shannon <robin.shannon at gmail.com> wrote: 
So, um, no matter how fun french/american/little green men from mars
bashing may be; how about we go back to the idea of wikipeople, what's
wrong with it? Its been around for quite a while and hasnt got up yet.
Why? We already have content to put into it (11/09wiki) and it could
tie up some loose ends, so what are the objections to it? The only
objection i have heard so far is that it would turn into one big flame
war (something i disagree with). Any other objecitons?

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