[ComProj] A new system for ComProj? (please read and comment)

Michael Reschke reschke.michael at googlemail.com
Tue Nov 6 01:04:50 UTC 2007


short answer: Lack of time

I'm interested in working for Wikiversity, because of this, I joined the
ComProj-Group. At the moment - lack of time - I do not much at the German
Wikiversity-project "Spread Wikiversity". But in order to support the
Wikiversities and our ComProj-Group I created some banners and so on. Look


If there's anything to do in Germany (I'm from Germany) so contact me by
mail. At the moment I haven't much freetime, but what I can do, I will do...
(Hoping this won't be much for the next few months.)

Yours Michael from Germany

2007/11/5, Sean Whitton <sean at silentflame.com>:
> Hello all,
> Firstly, this e-mail is not directives or commands or anything like
> that, but I am throwing lots of ideas around in the hope that they
> will bounce off some of you. I am thinking that due to a lack of other
> issues the following could also be discussed exclusively at
> Wednesday's meeting, so it would be good if as many of our members
> could attend as possible for this reason as this is pretty important.
> I think most of us will admit that right now ComProj is not doing a
> lot. I think that there are a number of reasons for this, which I will
> try to outline.
> 1) Lack of work
> In general, we are not being given enough things to do. Those that we
> do get end up being an individual thing between someone and a ComProj
> member which is not ideal as it would be better to work more as a
> group.
> 2) Lack of participation
> We don't actually have that many active members right now. We could do
> with recruiting more or we can't get done what we intend to.
> 3) Lack of motivation
> I don't think people are interested in the projects we have. This
> means nothing gets done. There is no expectation that members should
> do things they are not interested in in this group (perhaps this is so
> for the ComCom, but not ComProj which should be enjoyable in all
> aspects)
> So how do we solve this? I think that we need to make some fundamental
> decisions, as a group, about how we want ComProj to work. Do we need
> to formalise, bring in membership requirements (i.e. doing work, not
> that people should be qualified to join initially), or do we need to
> stop worrying about set projects and simply have a pool of people to
> access via the mailing list.
> Unsurprisingly, since I am chair and we are in this situation, I am
> stumped. Ideas welcome.
> Thanks,
> Sean
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